The Creek:

Indian Creek, the land of legends. Not only is this place incredibly spiritual and filled with Western folklore... it's THE venue for crack climbing! Turn crack climbing from an endeavor to a technique sought out to use on our climbing tool kit. Join us as we embark on this 4-night 5, 5-day with Aspen expeditions crew in the heart of the American West. 

Fall Dates: November 21st - 24th


Day 1 ARRIVAL DAY: The team meets at Moab at @4PM to head into the desert. The van will be packed and camp set up, but we stop at the market to get personal snacks and equipment for the next five days of adventure. After a beautiful drive through the desert, we meet up with the Moab Expeditions crew to settle in for dinner and enjoy the desert solitude. 

Day 2 GET THE DUST OFF: We dive right into crack climbing in one of the classic Creek crags! Technique, equipment, application, gear, and movement are all part of today's lessons. Mileage and views are also top of the list! After a full day, we pulled ropes and headed back to base camp to dine around a campfire and enjoy the desert environment surrounding us. 

Day 3 FULL BURN: Same as it ever was...after a hearty and nutritious breakky, the team heads to another classic Creek location. We dive in and hone in on the lessons and teachable moments during the day. Receiving feedback and tweaking our style to maximize movement efficiency and competency of the hard skills learned. Squad rolls back to camp and enjoys another night in the Utah desert. 

Day 4 FINAL SEND: Our last climbing day! The team climbs the full day climbing till you cannot climb no-mo. Final lessons on climbing in this area! We have a bangin' feast around the fire to cap off this experience with the team. 

Day 5 EXIT STRATEGY: We drop folks off in Moab at 10 am to head to SLC on the shuttle or other accommodation! Bitter-sweet farewells, skills learned, and good memories to bring back to your local communities.


What Exactly Is Included: 

  • Transport to and from Moab to Indian Creek 

  • Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and snacks

  • Guiding and Technical Equipment

  • Camping site and Camp Vibes! 

  • Tents

What is not provided: 

  • Flights to and from SLAC

  • Shuttle bus from SLC - Moab 

  • Harness, Shoes, chalk bag, helmet 

  • Day pack 

  • Sleeping pad and bag

  • Alcoholic beverages.....we will have an iced-down cooler, though! 


Red River Gorge Explorer


Acadia Explorer