Croatia - Eco-Cultural Adventure

Get ready for a hands-on learning experience along the Dalmatian Coast. Croatia is one of Europe’s most fascinating countries. Our place-based curriculum allows you to explore the stunning coastline, towering peaks, ancient cities, and rich history through conversations with your environment. This active learning approach will inspire you to create an Impact Plan based on your experiences.

Expedition Objectives:

Explore the islands and cliffs of the Dalmatian coast. This is a complete set of land—and water-based curriculums, as well as leadership and Soulstainables Impact curriculum. Students study the placed-based triangle, which consists of how healthy a location’s economys, ecologys, and cultures are.

This course is designed to engage in the joys of international travel while giving back to the communities we enjoy. Create an impact plan and take back a piece of place thaty you can in turn teach others…..more to come on that in the course. 

Dalmatian Itinerary May 12th-May 27th

Arrival Day, May 12th: Split Croatia 

Arrival in Split! ~ Accommodation and transfers are set to jet! The Soulstainable team will be ready to host and welcome our students after a long travel day! If you are already in-country, we will make sure you have all the right meeting points.

Day 1 May 13th: Course Introduction // Split Croatia

Our time in Split is focused on framing why we are here as we explore the complexities of this remarkable place!

Split has a ton to offer, from ancient history to street art, markets, Bene Beach, and climbing amongst Augustinian Monk ruins. We will do a bike tour and see as much as possible throughout the day!

We enjoy meals around town and stay at the lovely and humble Split Inn Apartments. 

Day 2 Travel Day May 14th: Split – The Island of Hvar  

  • Students leave early to catch the ferry to Hvar.

  • Student grocery shopping contest. (big awards)

  • Our drivers and hosts in Hvar will be waiting for us, and we will settle into our accommodation and explore this truly magical location.

Day 3 – Day 5 May 15th- May 17th: The Island of Hvar 

  • Svetnja Nedjilia is truly a magical place well off the beaten path.

  • We explore its mountains and oceans, with the land-based aspect of this course being the focus.

  • Climb, hike, swim, and cruise the beaches in this stunning location.

  • We learn about the complexities of wine and explore Cliffbase with Miro Stek.

  • Explore the ancient fortress town of Hvar, where we cruise around the islands and tour the fortress top.

Day 6  May 18th: Travel to Sibenik

  • Ferry to Split

  • Public transit to Sibenik.

  • Travel, get to the accommodation, relax and explore

  • Rest and a nice dinner in the city.

Day 7- 9 May 19th- 21st - Island Hopping Kayak expedition

These next four days will be focused on the art of the paddle, finalizing thoughts in your impact notebook, and taking in the essence of the Adriatic. These full days will be spent in this amazing little group of islands. The team will do some introduction and then dive into the kayak course.

  • Intro to ocean kayak course on the island of Zlaren

  • Several nights of island camping under the stars.

  • Time to work on impact plan in nature

  • Stay on Zlaren's final evening with a nice family dinner!

Day 10 – Travel day to Paklinica!

This is a very full day!

  • Travel day from Paklenica

  • Enjoy the joys of the road via this short trip from Sibinick to Starigrad

  • Fine showers somewhere :)!

  • Market for our trekking portion of the expedition

  • Start hike into Croatian Mountain Huts

  • Arrive, eat, and rest!

Day 11 – 13: National Park Paklenica  

This section aims to take in these natural surroundings and focus on the purpose of your travel to this country.

  • Day Trekking around the surrounding mountains

  • Some solo time spent in nature

  • What difference can you make at a place that you love? What steps do you take to get you there?

  • Find serenity in obtaining your answers to these questions as we explore while workshopping these profound ideas.

Day 14 – Travel day to Zagreb!

Today, we start our Exit Strategy!

  • Hike out of Paklenica

  • Fine showers somewhere :)!

  • Take public transit to Zagreb

  • Check into our hostel

  • Prepare for impact presentations

  • Zagreb city tour, open market and farewell dinner

  • Impact Presentations

  • Zagreb evening festivities

Day 15 – Travel day to Sibenick!

IT was so nice traveling and adventuring with you all!

  • Leave tyo our respective places!

  • An excellent time in this amazing land!


What exactly to expect:

This Course is 16 days (With travel days) From May 12 to May 27 , 2023



+If taking for WCU 397 Credit ($540)

***Index Pricing is Available***

  • Spot Deposit ~ $1500 to save a spot for this expedition.

  • Book Flights ($400 - $1000)

  • Send Confirmation to Wildkine

  • Remaining payment ~  April 1st, 2025


  • All accommodation is provided on the expedition from arrival day (night of the 12th) until the departure day on day 16 (the 27th).


  • All transportation is included on the trip.


  • All meals are included in the trip. We do a combo of group dinners, camp meals, and food stipends

Guides and Technical gear: 

  • All guides are provided

  • All Technical gear is provided

  • Tents and camping gear

What is not included: 

  • Flights to and from Split Croatia*

  • Sleeping bags and sleeping pads

  • Climbing Shoes, harness, and chalk bag

  • Appropriate clothing and footwear for hiking and




Croatia: Climbing along the Adriatic


Mallorca: Deep solo into the MED!